choice to make devops or platform engineer

DevOps Or Platform Engineering: How To Know The Best For You?


DevOps and Platform Engineering are two of the most in-demand technical careers today. Both roles focus on automating and streamlining the software development and deployment process, but they have different areas of expertise. So which career path is right for you DevOps or Platform engineer?

I will try to answer this question without bias in this blog. We will take closer look at who is DevOps engineer, as well as Platform Engineer. I will also describe the skills and experience required for each role. And lastly, also provide you with tips for deciding which between the two career path is right for you. If you are curios to know read on!

What is DevOps?

Let’s start with having a quick background of each job title. DevOps as a concept is a set of practices that combine software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). However, DevOps engineer is an individual saddle with the responsibility of implementing this concept in the work place using combination of technical tool and skills. As a DevOps engineer you will be required to reduce the time it takes to develop, test, and deploy software applications. It also involves improving software quality. And like I do, you may be saddled with the responsibility of monitoring the infrastructure resources that the software application use…more like an SRE engineer (Site Reliability Engineer).

You will be required to adopt many technologies and techniques to achieve speed of software delivery, without compromising the quality of the product. Some of the tools which I also have used includes Jenkins, GitHub Action, Maven, Docker, AWS Code Pipeline, Sonarqube, to name a few. Each of this tool is to ensure the best practices are followed for every development life cycle. More so, a good DevOps engineer will have a good grasp on project management methodologies.

DevOps teams are typically cross-functional, meaning they include members from both development and operations teams. This can be achieve using either the SCRUM or AGILE project management methodologies mentioned earlier. This will allows teams to work more closely together and share information more effectively. Learn more about DevOps and DevOps Engineer from here.

What is Platform Engineering?

Now that we know who and what DevOps is, let’s also see who a Platform Engineer is. Platform Engineering is a new discipline focused on building and managing platforms used by DevOps teams. They are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining the infrastructure that supports DevOps teams.

Just like DevOps engineers, an exceptional Platform Engineer would also have extensive knowledge of both software development and IT operations. And also be familiar with various tools and technologies.

Platform Engineers play a key role in the DevOps process. This is because they help to ensure the reliability, scalability, and security of the platform used by DevOps teams.

Which career path is right for you?

Now to the business of the day. Which career path should you pursue between DevOps and Platform engineer? Well, in my opinion, I would answer first by asking you to observe your own temperament and personality. If your personality supports working in a fast-paced and collaborative environment, then, DevOps might be for you. However, if your interest lies in building and managing platforms used by DevOps teams, then Platform Engineering might be for you.

Some other factors to consider when deciding to choose between DevOps and Platform Engineer career path includes:

Personal Interests: Consider whether you are more inclined towards the development and deployment processes or building and managing the underlying infrastructure.

Skill Set and Background: Evaluate your existing skills and educational background to determine which role aligns better with your strengths and expertise.

Industry and Job Market: Research the demand and growth prospects for both roles in your desired industry or job market, considering factors such as salary potential and job availability.

Career Goals: Reflect on your long-term career goals and aspirations, considering which role provides more opportunities for growth and advancement in your desired direction


DevOps and Platform Engineer are both exciting and rewarding career. Both equally have promising renumeration. Therefore, choosing between each is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. Both roles are vital in modern technology organizations, but they have distinct focuses and responsibilities.

Ultimately, the right choice depends on your individual preferences, strengths, and career goals. Take the time to explore both paths, gain hands-on experience, and seek guidance from industry professionals or mentors. Remember that career paths can evolve, and acquiring skills in one area does not preclude you from exploring the other in the future. Embrace the path that resonates most with you and continue to learn, adapt, and grow as the dynamic field of technology evolves.






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