Category: Networking

  • How To Install And Setup Ngrok On Linux in 5 Minutes

    How To Install And Setup Ngrok On Linux in 5 Minutes

    THE PAIN POINT What led me into using Ngrok on my linux machine? So, I made some changes on my local linux machine, and then without sending my changes to the remote Github repository, I needed to show my boss who is miles away the changes I made to the application frontend. He asked me…

  • 9 Interesting Things You Should Know In Computer Networking

    9 Interesting Things You Should Know In Computer Networking

    What is Networking Networking in its basic definition is the sharing of resources among people with the same ideology. You can also say Networking is the exchange of information between a community that share the same interest. The point passed in both definition is that there are two parties involved, and also, there is a…

  • The Internet Protocol (IP) Address Explained In The Easy Way

    The Internet Protocol (IP) Address Explained In The Easy Way

    Internet Protocol (ip) Adress: the student’s roll number In the computer networking post, I mentioned protocol is a set of rules that defines how data moves within a network. I briefly mentioned internet protocol (IP) address. In this post, we will discuss in detail the Internet Protocol and the Internet Protocol address. internet protocol Internet…

  • The Domain Name System (DNS) And Domain Name Made Easy

    The Domain Name System (DNS) And Domain Name Made Easy

    TIME TO GET YOU IDENTITY on the internet Yes, you read that right. The domain name is arguably the identity you need if you are serious about having some level of online presence. The domain name is managed by a set of rules or protocol using the Domain Name System (DNS). The DNS which is…

  • See How To Use The Most Essential DNS Records

    See How To Use The Most Essential DNS Records

    introduction This post is a follow up from the Computer Networking discussion. We previously discussed about Domain Name System. The topic of (DNS) system topic, like most computer networking subtopics can be so broad. I recently posted about DNS and Domain names, however, in the DNS records section of that post, I briefly mentioned DNS…

  • How To Protect Your Domain URL With Let’s Encrypt Certbot and Nginx  in 4 Steps

    How To Protect Your Domain URL With Let’s Encrypt Certbot and Nginx in 4 Steps

    WELCOME PAL It is a good time again to bring you some more interesting walk through post. Today’s post is a budding from the last post I did about how to install acme dns using certbot. So, I thought to do a different walk though about installing Let’s Encrypt Certbot (without acme dns) and Nginx…

  • How To Install The Let’s Encrypt Certbot  With  Acme DNS Certbot In 4 Easy Steps

    How To Install The Let’s Encrypt Certbot With Acme DNS Certbot In 4 Easy Steps

    The Call So, I got a reminder mail for Let’s encrypt. They do well when it comes to reminding you or any expiring Let’s Encrypt Certbot certificate, expept you have not submitted your email to the Let’s Encrypt register. It says I have 7 (seven) days to renew the domain name (let’s call it…