The Best Induction Week At The CIL Academy Internship Program/Bootcamp


Just like I mentioned in an earlier posts about my enrollment in the CIL Academy Internship Program, the induction week finally came and gone. Not to mince words, the induction was intense and very loaded with information. It is loaded with the kind of information that you need for the 6 months journey ahead.

It is a sort of preparing an army of learners for the war in the Cloud and Data engineering field. No holds barred discussion. Now, armed with the right tools (information), the internship is a done deal.

CIL Academy distributed the sessions between a morning and afternoon. Each span one and half hour each. I personally enjoyed the Questions and Answer time. Q&A session helped to bring to clarity to a lot of questions and curiosity runing in my mind. Worthy of mention is the array of well season professionals that facilitated each session. They range from the faculty members in CIL Academy, to principal practitioners in the field of Cloud Engineering, Data Engineering, Human Resource, and Project Management.

Let’s have a little summary of what went down each of the days.

CIL Academy induction flyer

The induction started with an address from the Lead Instructor at CIL Academy
OJ Adekoya, I connected with OJ the moment he started speaking. He had this welcoming aura from his speech and interactions. OJ gave us a comprehensive overview of the internship program, what we can expect, and what not to expect from CIL academy. He patiently answered many questions thrown at him, even the seemingly “stupid” ones.

After that, we moved to the in-depth curriculum review with Blessing U. Udoisang Miet. She emphasized importance of confidence and patience to our success.
Then, training Partner Manager at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Sara Mattar, explained the benefits of the hands-on training program offered at CIL Academy and the AWS learning platform.

To round up the first day, Akinyele Olopade inspired us to dream big and work hard. Akinyele also shared his personal story of consistency and dedication that led him to his current position.


The day began with a sizzling session from Oluwatosin Araoye and Omobolanle Ogunleye. They are both HR Managers at Cecure Intelligence Limited (CIL). Each spoke about the power of Positive Reinforcement and the significance of doing the right thing at the right time.
Their session was laced with dose of motivation (or say multivitamins). Both encouraged us to put in the effort, shun distractions, intimidations, and celebrate our little successes.

Adejuwon Adeyeye‘s session is one of my favorite. He shared his expertise on assignments, projects, and teamwork. Adejuwon is the Product Manager at CIL and a member of the faculty in CIL Academy.
We had Q&A session with ever smiling Thembile Ndlovu. She is the Community Manager for Africa at Amazon Web Services (AWS). Thembile gave us a deeper understanding of AWS and its benefits. She shared her slides and some more AWS community resource with learners, how generous!. Here are some she shared:

And to round the day, Ozioma Uzoegwu, a Senior Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) took the floor. He shared his tech journey with us. That was followed with another intense Q&A session.

CIL Academy internship induction time table

It is another day with James Praise, the head of Growth and Marketing at CIL. He walked us through the various Social Media platforms, how to engage them, and get the most from there. He had in Day 2 mentioned the importance of staying informed.

In furtherance, we had a fire-chat session with ex-CIL interns, Cornelia Ekpeyong, Qazeem Adeniyi, and James Teddy anchored by Omobolanle Ogunleye. Each shared the testimonies of how to be successful in the program, how consistency and getting certified helped them. And also about landing their job roles after the internship.

Next is Diergo Olerni a Principal Cloud Architect at Vodafone and Beye Ousseynou. Each discussed the responsibility of Cloud Architect. They also mentioned challenges and successes, and how to be a successful professionals. Diergo said “don’t give recruiters reason not to hire you”.

Also, OJ Adekoya encouraged learners to share their progress on various social media platforms and also through blog posts. “It would help keep track of progress and also, a good way to put the knowledge out for recruiters”.


It was another good day and Adejuwon Adeyeye, emphasized the benefits of blogging. Then we had Oluwatosin Araoye. Oluwatosin explained the concept of Accountability Partner. How to select one, and to be committed to each other during internship program.

Christopher Feussner, Security Cloud Solutions Architect at Microsoft also talked about his journey into tech, and the importance of trying new fields in tech “till you find the one that suits you well.” He said “The industry keeps evolving.”
Finally, we had OJ Adekoya, the lead instructor, demonstrate a hands-on session of how to use the workspace on the AWS site . He also shed light on how to navigate the classroom.


The last day was sort of social-gathering-day. We still had our usual questions and answers section, the high point was the game section. The game was general questions on keypoints during CIL Academy induction from the first day to the fourth day. A leaderboard will show each players real time score.

Needful to say the game also turned out to be a very good icebreaker.

Now, with the induction done and dusted, fired up for the CIL Academy Internship already. Although, the days ahead looks intense, I am positive some of the lessons from this induction will help myself and other learners through.


Once again, it is a warm welcome to you following from this blog.

If you have been involved in a bootcamp like this before, what was your experience, and how did it turn out? Let’s discuss in the comment section.






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